Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spending time in Colorado

Since the kids work weekdays, we spend our time with disc golf in both Castle Rock and at Colorado Springs at Cottonwood Creek. We've also hiked the Spruce Mountain and enjoyed a campfire with some of the current workampers here and a nice dinner with our former employers, Ian and Sally. The Spruce Mountain first hike is a funny story. I accidentely lost my camera on the way up and only noticed it when I tried to take a picture of some orange leaves. So, we headed back down to look for the camera when a woman on the way up asked if we lost a camera! Of course we said YES, and she said she didn't have it........but, she had the phone number of a young man who found it. We called, got his address, found him and the camera and offered a reward. He gave us the camera and kindly refused the reward of $20.00. On our way home, I decided that we had earned $20.00 in that transaction and should stop at a restaurant we had heard about for a "free" lunch. The restaurant is called "Three Margaritas", so..........we had to use the credit card as lunch cost us twice the amount of the reward! Good lunch, way too much food and way too uncomfortable in my clothes during the following folf game. At least it got me started on a new less food direction, for now.....
The next hike at Spruce Mountain was the full 5 miles up, around the top and back down. Chassis went and only barked at a few people.

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